20Ceylon Since Soulbury Part I: A History in Cartoons by Collette (1948)
Aubrey Collette (1920–1992)

First edition book
Private collection, Melbourne
First published: ‘Times of Ceylon’, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1948
‘Ceylon Since Soulbury’ was the first and only book of Aubrey Collette’s work to be published during his lifetime. The book covered a collection of his cartoons from 1945 to 1947. Though optimistically titled ‘Part 1’, the next volume never appeared. The cover illustration shows the ‘crowning’ of D.S. Senanayake (1883–1952), the first Prime Minister of Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) by Lord Soulbury (1887–1971), who in his report commissioned by the British Government in 1944 laid the ground for Ceylon’s independence. On 4 February 1948, Ceylon was granted independence as the Dominion of Ceylon. Ceylon’s Dominion status within the British Commonwealth was retained for the next 24 years until 22 May 1972, when the country was renamed the Republic of Sri Lanka. Collette was a political cartoonist at the ‘Times of Ceylon’ in 1946, a post he held until the early 1960s when he was forced to leave Sri Lanka due to the political content of his work. He was one of the founding members of the ’43 Group—a group of modern mid-20th-century artists established in 1943—widely recognised as Sri Lanka’s first modernist collective.
Gallery 1
Home, Land, Survey, Country

3GPS Drawing: Jaffna to Delft, 9.30 am to 10.30 am, Boat, 10 Feb 2015 (2015)
Muhanned Cader (b. 1966)

4GPS Drawing: Jaffna Hostel (Kalviyankadu) to Ramanathan Academy (Maruthanarmadam), Three-wheeler, 12 km, 26 April 2012 (2012)
Muhanned Cader (b. 1966)

5GPS Drawings, England 2011, Oxford to Paddington, Train, 1.01 pm to 2 pm, 2011 (2011)
Muhanned Cader (b. 1966)

7GPS Drawing: Kudirimale to Wilpattu National Park Gate, 53km, 1.40 pm to 5.40 pm, Jeep, 7 October 2017 (2017)
Muhanned Cader (b. 1966)

8GPS Drawing: Fuengirola to Córdoba, 8.30 am to 11.18 am, Bus, 9 August 2017 (2017)
Muhanned Cader (b. 1966)

9GPS Drawing: Babaragasthalawa to Kumana campsite, 10 km, 1.15 hr, Jeep Toyota 4×4, June 2011 (2011)
Muhanned Cader (b. 1966)

16If You Boycott the Elections the Penalty Is Death, PRRA, Peoples Revolutionary Red Army, Galle (1989)
Stephen Champion (b. 1959)

17Corridors of Power: Drawing and Modelling Sri Lanka’s Tryst with Democracy (2015)
Channa Daswatte (b. 1965), Sanjana Hattotuwa (b. 1977), Asanga Welikala (b. 1976)

20Ceylon Since Soulbury Part I: A History in Cartoons by Collette (1948)
Aubrey Collette (1920–1992)
Gallery 2
Gaze, Self, Portrait
Gallery 3
Landscape / Landscapes, Territory
Gallery 4
Loss, Belief, Mourning
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