Workshop Reading History from Stamps with Kiyawana Muddara (all ages)
5 March Saturday, 2pm–4pm
Register here
Niroshana and Viranga Peiris of Kiyawana Muddara explore the educational possibilities of stamps in learning about the recent history of Sri Lanka.
Local stamps from the ’60s, ’70s and the early 2000s are on display until 28 August 2022 at the museum as part of ‘Encounters.’
‘Kiyawana Muddara’ (Reading Stamps) is a local stamp reading and social philately group based focusing on “visualization for the transfer of knowledge.” Reading stamps is an art of creative storytelling and a strategic learning solution that uses postage stamps as unique non-book reading material, pedagogical instrument, and visual aid for education and research. Its co-founder Niroshana Peiris has authored and published books on stamp literature, disseminated information through print and new media, and run programmes that have influenced awareness in schools, libraries, universities, and public and private institutions by setting up workshops, reading camps, mobile exhibitions, stamp information centers, etc.